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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pope: Don't work too hard

Pope: Don't work too hard: "'We have to guard ourselves, the saint observed, from the dangers of excessive activity, regardless of the office one holds, because too many concerns can often lead to hardness of heart,' the pope said.

'This warning is valid for every type of job, even those concerned with the government of the church,' he said."

Pope Benedict is quoting St. Bernard of Chiaravalle.

I still get amazed at how people affirm workaholism or excessive working especially amongst clergy. It's rampant. Actually, I think clergy are the biggest offenders. We idolize ourselves and think we're just indespensible. Too often we've robbed the laity of the privilege of serving and we've robbed our families of a father and husband.

I was with a couple of wise people yesterday, one being a pastor. We were talking about church planting and how to utilize a team approach. He's sold on the idea. He said, "If church planting means me being the one guy who bears the sole burden, working 60+ hours a week, never seeeing my family and being alienated and lonely I'm out." This guy is way younger and way smarter than me. He wants to be part of a team where everyone utilizes their gifts to plant.

As they chant in the Ukranian Catholic Church mass, "Wisdom! Let us be attentive!"

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