I have this audio sermon by Bill Hybels at Moody's Founder's Week from several years ago. I transcribed a quote that is stuck in my thinking ...
"How is Christ deeply formed in a person's life? Do you just pour knowledge into a new Christian and does that make them mature? Do you just have them stay within certain guidelines, do you put down certain expectations, do you say 'If you attend these meetings and give a certain amount of money?' Is it external? Is it internal? Is it a combination of both? How does Christ take up residency and become fully formed in someone's life?
We're (Willowcreek) asking those questions these days and the working outline of what we're working on is that there are certain practices, relationships and experiences ... that contribute to Christ being deeply formed in someone's life." "Certain practices, relationships and experiences ..." That's a working definition or process of spiritual formation/discipleship. For a person to become a fully devoted they need certain practices, relationships and experiences. That's a great working outline? Now the new question is, "What are those certain practices, relationships and experiences?" Any comments? |
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