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Sunday, April 01, 2007

April 29, 2007 Internet Evangelism Day

Whoa! There are a ton of resources available at this site promoting Internet Evangelism Day and the overall use of the Internet for evangelism, training and cybermissions ... video clips, mp3's, articles, testimonies, graphics, etc. ... and as near as I can tell it's mostly free.

It isn't entirely clear what IED is. Is it a day to do cyberevangelism or to promote the use of the Internet for evangelism or to train people to do evangelism or ...? Should we do something special on-line that day? Doesn't seem like the best day to be doing an active outreach online as April 29 is a Sunday and so many people access the Internet from their place of employment -- generally a place they are not at on Sundays.

However, the concept is imperative. As usual the church is lagging behind in the use of technology. Churches that plan on reaching new generations need to go beyond having a crappy, ugly, one page, outdated, poorly ranked web site and consider how they can harness the technology of the Internet for the Kingdom of God. We need some pastors who aren't scared of technological change but who are gutsy enough to begin dreaming and praying about how to use new technology for God's glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.

Internet Evangelism Day graphic

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