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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Book debunks myths about megachurches

Kudos to Scott Thumma for his book debunking myths about megachurches. Somebody has been needing to do this research for awhile. It got to be so old going to pastors conferences and hearing pastors rip megachurches, especially Willowcreek. Endlessly I'd hear about how shallow their preaching and teaching was, how they watered down the gospel, how there is no sense of community because they're so big, how they are all filled with white people who are rich and don't care about poverty. Not true. Not true. Not true. Not true. Not true. Not true.

There were several things that bugged me about those comments. First, they just sounded childish and jealous. Secondly, they came from pastors that never attended a megachurch a day in their life. Thirdly, it didn't match up to my experience. My wife and I attended Willowcreek for over a year and felt like we were repeatedly challenged and ministered to. It was a foundational experience in my life.

Megachurches have been redefined. It used to be churches that worshiped over 1000 weekly. Now it's 2000.

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