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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

a snippet from VirtueOnline

Much has been made in recent days of the letters of Mother Teresa and her doubts about her faith. I was strangely comforted by the response of one of her spiritual advisers.
"Apparently MOTHER TERESA had major doubts about her faith, reports "Time"magazine. The Rev. Joseph Neuner, whom she met in the late 1950s and confided in somewhat later, was already a well-known theologian when she turned to him with her "darkness". He seems to have told her the three things she needed to hear: that there was no human remedy for it (that is, she should not feel responsible for affecting it); that feeling Jesus is not the only proof of his being there, and her very craving for God was a "sure sign" of his "hidden presence" in her life; and that the absence was in fact part of the "spiritual side" of her work for Jesus."

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