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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Moses & The Burning Bush ... or not

According to a researcher at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Moses did not really see a burning bush but was high on drugs. He doesn't believe it was just legend or that is was really a supernatural event, which left the researcher with no other explanation other than Moses was high on drugs.


Comments on "Moses & The Burning Bush ... or not"


Blogger Luke said ... (3:13 PM, March 05, 2008) : 


OK, I’m going to get a little weird on you, but hang in there with me.

One of the guys in a science class I took way back in high school did an experiment in which he took two electrodes, ran the output from an amplifier through them, and placed the electrodes in a flame. The end result – after a lot of experimentation – was that the flame acted like a speaker, and reproduced whatever was put through the amplifier.

It took a lot of work to get the poles of the right composition to withstand the flame, and the correct distance apart, ect. But I did hear a voice coming from a flame.

Now, I’m not claiming there was some joker with a Peavey amplifier, microphone, and electrodes wired into some asbestos replication of a bush. But if God’s unadulterated voice would have killed Moses instantly, why would He not use the elements with which He is so familiar to provide a way to speak to Moses, without harming him?

If you’re interested, you can Google “flame speaker” or just go to:


And no, I wasn’t in high school in 1968… though it was close.


Blogger theultrarev said ... (12:55 AM, March 08, 2008) : 

I was 1 in 1968.

Whatever the deal and however it was done ... God was impressive in the whole burning bush stunt.

Being a home schooling family, we'll probably try this at some point.


Blogger Luke said ... (6:45 AM, March 12, 2008) : 


I agree. To me, it makes no difference whether the bush that burned without being consumed was simply a beacon to draw Moses to God and create in him a readiness for something outside his comfort zone, or whether it (also?) was a means to accomplish communication, or anything else. What is important is that God spoke. Typically, when a musician or group is playing music at a concert, you should be unaware of the amplification and mixing. You should be aware of the song, and the singer...

Good luck with the experiment!!!


Blogger Luke said ... (6:46 AM, March 12, 2008) : 

...and you had to rub in the date... sigh... I am rapidly approaching "old farthood."


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