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Friday, May 23, 2008

25 Ways to Help a Fellow Human Being Today | Zen Habits

Another way to say this: "25 Ways to Show the Love of God in a Tangible Way." or "Servant Evangelism - ZenHabits style". My favorite two on the list are #7 and #25.
"7.Teach. Take the time to teach someone a skill you know. This could be teaching your grandma to use email, teaching your child to ride a bike, teaching your co-worker a valuable computer skill, teaching your spouse how to clean the darn toilet. OK, that last one doesn’t count."

"25. Love. Simply finding ways to express your love to others, whether it be your partner, child, other family member, friend, co-worker, or a complete stranger … just express your love. A hug, a kind word, spending time, showing little kindnesses, being friendly … it all matters more than you know."
I'm really grateful for the people in my life who go out of their way to tell or have told me they love me or show me unconditional love. I find that people do not say, "I love you." to people, who they genuinely love, enough. It's something I am working on in my personal life more and more — sometimes just awkwardly blurting it out or giving a fading out the door "Love you!". Yeah, it might be goofy but I'd rather embarrass myself now than get to the end of my life weep tears of regret for not saying it enough.

I remember going to the Stress in the Ministry seminar in Houston years ago. They taught me that you didn't even have to know someone to tell them that you love them, and that you could indeed love them without knowing just because they were a child of God and a member of the human race.

If you're reading this: I love you. God does too. xoxo.

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