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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why I'm Not .... By a Guy Who ....

Some of my friends have recently read or read rave reviews of the book, Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be. So I read a couple of reviews also, but haven't read the book.

Here's the part I struggle with ... can the emergent church/movement/conversant really be painted with a broad enough brush as to critique it in such a way to say, "The emerging church believes .... or says ..." or to use the term "emergent theology"? I'm just not sure there is that degree of unanimity amongst those who use the term emergent/emerging.

One might be tempted to critique the movement based on the public figures of it like McLaren, Jones, Bell and others. But I have to admit that I get really hacked when evangelicalism gets critiqued by focusing on its supposed leaders like Dobson, Falwell, Robertson, McArthur (especially him, oi!), and others, who really don't represent me at all.

I'm not defending emergents. I don't think I identify with them much. I'm just not sure the critiques I've read are altogether fair.

In some ways I'm tired of Christian polemics though I see their value and necessity. I do it all the time — critiquing someone here or there. Shame on me too. I've thought I should write my book too, just for the pure profit in it. Here are some of my upcoming titles:
  • Why I'm Not Roman Catholic: By A Guy Who Was and Secretly Wishes He Still Was
  • Why I'm Not Reformed: By A Guy Who Should Be
  • Why I Still Go To Church: By A Guy Who Has Good Reason Not To
  • Why I'm Not Episcopalian: By A Guy Who Had A Good Offer To Become One

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