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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Townhall.com: Gay Activists Headed For Churches: By Harry R. Jackson, Jr.

Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr. writes of gay activists groups visiting and protesting at churches over the next two weeks. Apparently they have meetings set up with Hybels and Warren are will be visiting other influential churches.

Jackson writes,
"Their goal is to force us to accept their lifestyle by slowly desensitizing us to their aberrant theology and practices. This change in tactics is an attempt to play the pity card.

During the next ten years, I predict that gays will attempt to invade the conventional, Bible believing church. They realize that their plan will not affect the current evangelical movement very much. On the other hand, they can set the stage to mainstream gays into membership at the average Baptist or even Pentecostal church."

I'm sure most of us would like to think that will never happen. But I'm guessing we're just one, maybe two, generations from it in the US Protestant church. The Roman Catholics and Orthodox will hold out though.

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