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Monday, September 01, 2008

Another Good Coffee Day

Shamballa Cafe & Coffee Roasters - Baldwinsville, New York

Enjoyed some fine Bolivian coffee this weekend from Shamballa Cafe. Emmet Simpson, owner, was a gracious host and took all our questions about coffee prices and his roaster.

For what it's worth: green bean coffee costs roughly between $1.00 and $4.00 (or more) per pound. When roasted, 6 pounds of green beans yields approximately 5 pounds of roasted coffee. And a pound of coffee makes makes approximately 35 eight ounce cups of coffee, or just slightly over 2 gallons. Fresh roasted gourmet coffee costs $8-$12 per pound retail or about $1.25 (+/-) per cup.

One might think there is a lot of money to be made in selling coffee, but after expenses it really is marginal. If you are into selling coffee you must do it because you love it more than for the profit.

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