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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Your Spiritual Life is Not About Your Working Harder

I was at an event recently where the speaker gave the tired mantra of your spiritual isn't what it could and should be because you aren't working hard enough. If you just invested more in church, prayed more, read more of the Scriptures, did daily devotions and served more people you wouldn't feel so spiritually stuck or lame.

Those are all important necessary things that we do need to do. But sometimes we are stuck spiritually and we need help that just praying harder and reading more won't fix. Sometimes we don't just need to try harder or feel more guilty for what we are not doing.

There are times when we need to get other people or ministries to help us. There are times when we need a new perspective. There are times we need a new adventure in our faith journey with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I'm going to share some stuff that I have seen work for myself and others. I have about 20 or so ideas that I'm going to release over the next few weeks. Absolutely none of them are novel. Nothing new here. You have heard it all before. But this won't be "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" spirituality. I won't be berating you to try harder and I will be encouraging you to stop berating yourself.

I will be encouraging you to be open minded to try something new or anew. Get out of your comfort zone. Pursue God and open yourself up to him in a new way.

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