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Monday, June 22, 2009

If Pimping Your Liturgy Isn't Enough, Serve Beer

Last Monday I posted about the Church of England going seeker sensitive to be more "entertaining" and to "appeal to a younger generation."

This week the Church of England gets more exciting: Beer, Bacon & Chocolate for Dads. No, this is not LarkNews.

Church blesses fathers with beer - Telegraph

"... the Rt Rev John Inge, the Bishop of Worcester, said that it could help churches to attract more men. He argued that the free beer was intended to be symbolic of "the generosity of God".

"Posies of flowers are given to mums on Mothering Sunday and we wanted to give a laddish, blokeish gift to the men. A bottle of beer hits the mark. The whole of life is to be celebrated in church."


'"Jesus created a lot more wine at a point in the party when some thought that there had already been enough drinking. He was all in favour of partying," the bishop said.'

Comments on "If Pimping Your Liturgy Isn't Enough, Serve Beer"


Blogger SJ Austin said ... (3:34 PM, June 22, 2009) : 

You must always link to our competition when referring to satirical Christian news. Boo hoo. Oh well, I guess we deserve it after not posting anything new in ages.

Your pal,

Co-founder, The Holy Observer

PS: Beer in church, consumed moderately of course, is a great idea. :-)


Blogger theultrarev said ... (3:50 PM, June 23, 2009) : 

Agreed, but how you use beer at church and this situation is different. Using beer for marketing purposes as a means to attract people to church seems lame.


Blogger theultrarev said ... (3:53 PM, June 23, 2009) : 

Had no idea of your involvement with the Holy Observer.


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