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Monday, June 15, 2009

So You're Looking to Pimp Your Liturgy? So is the C of E.

Church of England attempts to broaden appeal with songs by U2 and prayers for Google - Telegraph

The Church of England is becoming seeker sensitive.

In a seeming attempt to modernize their liturgy, make it more relevant and "appeal to a younger generation", the Church of England is toying with some seriously, way outside the box ideas. Prayers for major corporation CEO's by name, using YouTube videos, prayer stations and a blending of modern technology with ancient prayers.

They still don't get it. Running television commercials and making their liturgy more "exciting" or "entertaining" really won't grow their church or stem the hemorrhaging of parishioners.

While this is a bit of a sweeping generalization: Evangelical churches grow while churches that have abandoned the centrality of the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ don't. It's not because one is better at marketing or more entertaining. It's not because they have a better plan or strategy. It's because they offer a true hope of a new life -- a life transformed -- through the power of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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