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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do You Think Jesus...?

Catalyst Church is beginning a great series called Do You Think Jesus...?. Each week there will be video interviews and a message.

The first message will be Oct 4th: Do You Think Jesus Would Hang Out at a Downtown Bar? It seems that Catalyst Church has already answered that one by holding weekly discussions at PJ Dorsey's.

Oct 11: Do You Think Jesus Would Be a Hindu?
Many Ways to God?

A recent Newsweek article revealed many Americans, like Hindus, believe that there are many ways to God, eternal life, and salvation. Catalyst Church wants to hear your thoughts on whether or not Jesus would affirm this idea.

Oct 18: Do You Think Jesus Would Play Mega Millions?
Marketing has made us here in the US.

Feeling the overwhelming lure of consumerism, we seek to gain an awareness of how Jesus would handle the resources that are entrusted to him. Would Jesus gamble? How would Jesus spend an extra buck?

Oct 25: Do You Think Jesus Would Go To Church?
Love Jesus, Hate the Church?

It is current cliche to hear someone say, “I love Jesus but I hate the church.” We recognize that many people have negative experiences of church and Christianity. Yet, how would Jesus respond to the imperfections of the institutional church?

Nov 01: Do You Think Jesus Would Vote for a Democrat or a Republican?
Dealing With National Issues

The issues of our nation today are vast and immense. Yet, there is great division and disagreement over how we must solve these national issues. In what or in whom do you think Jesus would place his confidence to deal with the country’s most pressing issues?

Nov 08: Do You Think Jesus Loves Osama Bin Laden?
Are there limits to grace?

Could God really love a man that is responsible for so much pain and countless deaths?

Nov 15: Do You Think Jesus Is Still Alive Today?
The Living Jesus

For two-thousand years, followers of Jesus have made the astonishing claim that, although at one time dead, Jesus is alive. Do you think Jesus is actually living today?

Nov 22: Do You Think Jesus Would Get a Tattoo?
Tattoos tell us who people are.

We are wondering what your thoughts are on whether or not Jesus would tell us who He is with an inscription on His body. If so, what would the tattoo look like? What would it say?

Join the discussion:

Catalyst Church meets at 10:00 am weekly at Nottingham High School and in small groups all around Onondaga County. There is a nursery for babies and toddlers and children's church for youngsters.

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