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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome Exponential Initiative!

Welcome Exponential Initiative!: "The 10-10-10 Initiative is a cross-denominational emphasis on the urgency and importance of starting healthy new churches. The 10-10-10 Initiative seeks to catalyze 100s of ministries with 1,000s of existing churches to see 1,000,000s of lives transformed through healthy new churches."

Great to see another new church planting initiative.  This one is hoping to link churches and ministries in an 'open-source' fashion to catalyze and accelerate church planting.  They will share resources and are coordinating a common preaching effort targeting Oct 10, 2010. 

I have this dream rattling around in my head for a missional church planting conference for the North Country, Central New York and the Mohawk Valley with leading national church planters speaking both to the church planters and established church leaders.  They would talk strategy and methodology with the church planters and talk about the benefits of church planting to established churches.  In all it would be a catalyst to see more churches planted in New York State.  New York is much closer to becoming Eurpoe than you might think and we need to stem the tide with new churches.

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