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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Missional Church video

I wonder what the next trend is after "missional". Everything is missional, missional, missional, missional these days. Not that I don't appreciate the philosophical and theological thinking behind the term. In fact I use it myself and not pejoratively. But I admit to being a little dulled to the word as I read and hear it tossed about nearly constantly. As we have this constant conversation about what missional is, what it means and its imperatives — again, all very important conversations — I often reflect on the fact that we weren't have missional conversations when I was in seminary or in my first pastorate (or we were and didn't know to call it that, [certainly Corey probably was]), and we probably won't be having missional conversations ten years from now, all making me feel, "How important is this missional conversation anyways?"

Still ... I'd like to plant a missional church.  Any one to join me?

Comments on "Missional Church video"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 PM, March 09, 2010) : 

I'm in, but only on the condition that we actually define the term as precisely as we can so that we can start deconstructing it as soon as possible.


Anonymous Rick in Texas said ... (7:47 AM, March 10, 2010) : 

I am blessed when I recall that, long before "missional became a buzzword, I first heard it from a guy. I thought it was kind of an odd sounding word and no one else was saying it, but I listened to him talk about it. His name is Gary and he's now the President of The Evangelical Covenant Church.

I am blessed when i hear him talk about the Covenant's history and convincingly make the case that way back when all The Covenant had was a future, they were missional.

I am blessed when I reflect on growing up in my home and realize that the essence of missional was part of my growing up, years before i ever heard the term.


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