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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stunning Church Web Sites

Intelligent Design: 50 Heavenly Church Websites | Web Design Showcase | InspirationTime

Here's a great list of 50 visually stunning church web sites — 3 of them are Evangelical Covenant Churches. As you scan the list you'll see a lot of similarities: a lot of vivid earth tones, an engaging large graphic or photo and tabbed headings. If you like web sites in general as I do, there is a lot of nice eye candy here.

Not on that list but should be — in my less than humble opinion — is the stunning web site of Missio Church in Syracuse, NY.

My guess is that most of the sites on that list have some significant upfront costs and monthly fees to maintain. Some of them, I'm pretty sure, are done by companies with templates — meaning if you want a site that looks real similar all you have to do is sign up, plug your info in their template, pay your fees and voila — web site extraordinaire!

FREE! I love that word. Let me just remind you that you can get a free web site or you can hire one of my friends. Want FREE? Check out my previous related posts.
I made these one's for free and am extremely pleased with their look and feel:

Or hire one of my friends:

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