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Monday, June 14, 2010

The Continued Erosion of Cessationism & Treasure Hunts

A friend pointed me to an online video, "The Finger of God" by Darren Wilson. It's done in a documentary style to examine outlandish claims around the globe about signs and wonders — people receiving gold teeth, healings, treasure hunts, etc.

I think we are beginning to see the end of the doctrine of cessationism, which is the belief that miracles, signs and wonders, and God speaking ended at the close of the canon of Scripture. In other words, God stopped speaking after we had the complete Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

However, I continue to see people who were former cessationists, either in formal belief or practice, that are discovering the Holy Spirit is still communicating. It appears as a growing trend. Not only is the old divide between charismatics and non-charismatics gone, there appears to be a growing trend toward people receiving revelation from God.

One term I keep hearing about is "treasure hunts". It's the practice of believers praying together for revelation from the Holy Spirit as to who to talk to and what to talk to them about. Imagine your youth group gathering at church, praying for revelation and someone has a revelation of a person dressed in pink at the mall with a sore back. The group goes to the mall, finds the person God spoke to them about, and prays for that person's healing. The person is healed and then they share the Gospel with them and they become Christians too. That's the idea behind a treasure hunt.

Here are the Finger of God videos:

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