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Saturday, August 07, 2010

Dr. Roger Olson is Blogging!

Dr. Roger Olson is blogging: Roger E Olson | My evangelical Arminian theological musings Dr. Olson, Professor of Theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University, is a noted scholar, who writes and speaks extensively on classical Arminianism. Here is his bio.

I enjoy reading Dr. Olson's posts and listening to him speak. He is noted for being gracious and humble in his defense and presentations about Armininism. He has really helped me in my theological thinking in recent years. You can listen to an mp3 of him in my Public Folder. Look for the file "RogerOlson-Arminianism.mp3".

The classical Arminian position that Dr. Olson argues for is probably different than the Arminianism many are familiar with.  He argues for the Biblical understanding espoused by James Arminius and John Wesley which is very different than the Arminianism that is argued against by popular teachers like Driscoll, Piper and others.  It's also different than some Wesleyan, pentecostal and other modern Arminianists.

Wrestling with the issues in the Calvinism and Arminian debate has been enjoyable for me, and coming out of the closet as an Arminian has really brought me a sense of peace and confidence in my faith.  I have blogged on this previously:
Most think the central dividing issue is free will vs. predestination. That is wrong also. Roger Olson rightly points out that the difference is a fundamental shift in how the two understand who God is and His character. Dr. Olson says, "Arminianism is the belief in the universal love of God and God’s will that all be saved. That God is not willing for any to perish and that He does much to bring people to repentance and does not select some to whom He does not offer the same chance." That's why I am Arminian. It's how I understand the character of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

Also of interest:
Society of Evangelical Arminians
Classical Arminianism
Wesleyan Arminianism

Survey: Are You an Arminian and Don't Even Know It? | Society of Evangelical Arminians

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