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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Church Planting on the Lunatic Fringe :: The Urban Loft

Great quote from Church Planting on the Lunatic Fringe :: The Urban Loft:
"If God told Hosea to marry a hooker doesn't He still have the right to call us to do crazy things? If God told Gideon to attack a Midianite army of 100,000 with only 300 soldiers doesn't He have the right to call us out to the margins of the lunatic fringe? If Jesus willingly and sacrificially died on our behalf doesn't He have the right to call us to do the same? To forego upward mobility, financial security, job stability, and the like. Maybe following Jesus doesn't always jive with Dave Ransey? God told Abram to up and leave his city. He told Peter to drop his nets, walk away from his livelihood, and follow Him. Does or could God still do the same?"

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