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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Nobody in my church seems to care ...

that the Episcopal Church is on the verge of internal schism and further being disciplined and alienated by Anglicans worldwide. I find this whole thing strange. This is an historic moment in the life of the church and few seem aware of it or interested in it. I observe that to some, that stuff is happening 'out there' somewhere and doesn't affect us here in our church. I just don't get that. I don't understand how they identify themselves as Episcopal but what happens in the wider church doesn't impact their identify. There is a disconnect that I don't understand.

I feel some angst about this whole schism thing. Here I am hired to do evangelism but do I really want to lead someone to Christ and then help them identify with a schismatic church? Certainly there is The Network within the Episcopal Church that is being recognized by Anglicans world wide as the true expression of Anglicanism in the US. But my church isn't one of them and isn't really close ... they're not really liberal either, they're just kind of lost and keep to themselves.

If your church (denomination) was being excommunicated by the vast majority of the rest of its worldwide network, wouldn't you be worried? Would you have some personal issues with being associated with a denomination that is splitting and then being left on the side that is being disciplined by the other world players in the matter?

I'm an Evangelical Covenant minister in an Episcopal Church. If my Covenant Church were in the same situation I might be bailing quick.

This type of stuff doesn't seem to be happening in the Eastern Churches. Remember a number of months back that church that performed some homosexual blessing in it so they defrocked the priest immediately and RAZED THE CHURCH. They don't mess around.

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