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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Holy Communion for Pets

Observer of all things Episcopal, David Virture reports:

And in the DIOCESE OF CONNECTICUT, St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford Conn. is now giving Holy Communion to pets. The New Oxford Review reports, "That's one way to minimize membership losses in the shrinking Episcopal Church. It can only be given on the tongue, so there is a traditional aspect here. We imagine the priest or priestess must be very agile so as not to get bitten. There are fewer condemnations of bestiality in the Bible than of homosexuality. If the Episcopalians can swallow homosexuality, bestiality has to be a cinch. Yes we can see it now. Fido and Forklift Florence inside a sumptuous Episcopal Church. What a cute couple!"

Do you think our pets are in heaven? It would seem to me that even pets are affected by sin that has ravaged all of God's creation and therefore would need to be redeemed? Do you think that Jesus died to redeem our pets as well as ourselves? Are they part of the "body of Christ" and so should receive the body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? It seems that some treat pets just like babies — although they have been impacted by original sin, they believe babies are innocent and would be heavenward bound if they died — as are their pets.

Reading about the Episcopal Church seems to be a perpetual News of the Weird.

Comments on "Holy Communion for Pets"


Blogger Luke said ... (6:33 AM, June 17, 2004) : 

I have only this to say - I don't think the love people have for their pets is lost. Like any love, it can get twisted, and become stained, but the depth of honest joy in one of God's creations can't be lost.

But I don't think Holy Communion is appropriate for creatures that lack the sentience to participate in it... regardless of the number of legs they have...

Perpetual News of the Wierd? I get spiritual whiplash.


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