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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

John Shelby Spong en route to Hell

David Virture posts this news story: VirtueOnline-News: NEW JERSEY: Bishop Spong steps up fight against evangelism.

John Spong is going to hell. Unequivocally. What standard do you want to judge him by? Certainly by evangelical standards he is. He rejects the divinity and salvific work of Christ. But even by common person standards of goodness I think he fails. He endlessly attacks his "enemies" and is constantly fighting. When will Spong love his enemies like Jerry Falwell or James Dobson? Jesus had something to say about that. He's been a destructive force within the church, sending his own diocese in spiral downward. Did he make disciples as Jesus suggested? Where do you see him love, other than homosexuals? He's filled with as much hatred as he accuses conservatives of having.

He is certainly a hypocrite to an extraordinary degree. He took vows to be a priest and bishop which he has flagrantly violated.

I very rarely say anyone is going to hell. Really, what do I know? Even as an evangelical I want to give people the benefit of the doubt -- perhaps say they haven't heard the gospel or heard a misrepresentation of it, maybe they'll convert on their deathbed. Not Spong. I think he is undeniably destined to perish in eternity unless there is a change of heart somewhere, and I don't think that change is coming.

On a related topic ...

Do you know are really the biggest hypocrites of all? The Episcopal House of Bishops. If you an anglo-catholic or evangelical bishop and not actively working to censor Spong or bring him up charges of heresy and abandoning the faith once delivered, you are delinquent! Even if you are a moderate or liberal bishop, clearly you can see that he has stepped outside of Anglicanism and ought to be politely asked to move on. Make your own religion John! Oh wait, I guess you did. It's called the Episcopal Church.

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