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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Monday, August 29, 2005

Mondays at Our Home

Alyx and I have been having potlucks at our home on Monday nights this summer, inviting the people at ¡alive@5!. It started out with our neighbors and a couple of other families coming; however, last week we had 37 people and this week 32, with about 10 new people. It just keeps growing.

Last week we were all indoors and my house really isn't big enough for 37 people. Whoa! It was crowded. But that's how I like my home — total chaos, full of people and kids running around being loud. I really love it that way.

We ate outside in the backyard this evening. After several weeks of just your basic potluck, one guy volunteered last week to help with dinner. So he shows up tonight with his buddy. They unload their trucks with propane gas grills and burners, a couple dozen ears of corn, burgers, hot dogs, buns, salt potatoes, tables & chairs, a canopy, and a gift for Alyx and I. I was stunned.

Tonight we had a concert in my yard! Incredible! After dinner the guys unloaded their trucks further with a small sound board, speaker and guitars. They plugged those in with my kids' keyboard and jammed for awhile.

After tonight was over, I just sat in awe of all the ministry God is doing right here in my home. We've got people in the middle of divorces supported, a couple of schizophrenics & bi-polar persons from a half-way home making friends, several persons who are 'mildly churched' but have become excited about faith since joining us, we pray for people and several musicians have brought their guitars.

There's all this networking and relationship building between people who didn't know each other but are now friends and helping each other out. I'm at awe watching what God is doing in my midst. All this is happening and ¡alive@5! is coming to an end in five weeks. I'm wondering what God is up to here.

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