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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Anglican Communion News Service: Prebendary Sandy Millar appointed Bishop

This article as taught me a new word: Prebendary. And by looking up it's definition I learned several more such as: benefice, prebend, and prebendary stalls. Anglican-speak is fascinating.

Essentially, a Prebendary is an Anglican clergy, who has a post at a cathedral and receives a stipend from the revenues of the cathedral or it's endowments, or in previous times, receives a parcel of property or a stipend from the revenues from cathedral estates.

My favorite Anglican-speak is: to bajulgate a crozier, which I have written on previously but am glad to bring it up again. I still don't know if I'm spelling it correctly but I learned it from my esteemed friend The Rt. Rev. Gladstone Adams. I just love those words. There's something about them that makes you feel like your talking dirty in church but it's OK.

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