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Thursday, November 17, 2005

They love Jesus (and cute boys)

This is an article about 'Christian chick lit' aka 'Christian literature for young ladies'. I just wonder what 'Christian boy lit' would be about. Is there secular boy lit that could be Christianized?

Christian boy lit. This is where the young hero comes from a broken difficult home life but eventually becomes a Christian, then a missionary. On the mission field with an indigenous peoples, deep in the jungle, he is captured and almost killed until he leads the shaman to Christ, who leads the whole village to Christ, which leads to the tribal chief to give his beautiful daughter to the young man, whom he had secretly been eyeing for months. The village then becomes very sick with a plague and the young man uses his college biology degree to find a cure. All are saved. On top of that, he becomes star of the tribal soccer team. Christian boy lit. Best seller. Can't wait. (end sarcasm here)

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