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Saturday, January 14, 2006

On the Tracks - the writings of Rick Lindholtz

My man Rick Lindholtz is one of the most encouraging people on the globe. He's one of these people that I just think about him and I start smiling. Every now and again I reread about Miles' Day or what it's like to be 7 and have type 1 juvenile onset diabetes. And I reread the one about his day from when he was younger. Miles is Rick's son. Thank God that kid has great parents and a terrific big sister.

Go to Miles For Miles. Learn more. Pray for a cure.

Sometimes I wonder why the evangelical community doesn't seem to be real interested in fund raising for research for diabetes, cancer, or other illness. We'd rather build large expensive buildings where the majority of the facility is only used about 30 of 168 hours a week.

I remember some years back having a conversation with a creative evangelistically thinking lay person. She suggested that a denomination like the Covenant Church ought to take up the cause of cancer and become known as the church that ministers to cancer victims and survivors and becomes the #1 fundraiser for cancer research. Let that be our reputation to the world and the tool by which we do evangelism ... sort of a servant evangelism approach. There's some merit to exploring that idea.

Comments on "On the Tracks - the writings of Rick Lindholtz"


Blogger Rick said ... (5:21 PM, January 15, 2006) : 

Stevie Baby, you are too kind for words. Thanks for the nice review and links. Glad Miles' stories are inspiring to you.

Not that this is a competition or quid pro quo or anything like that, but I want you to take a look at http://three27.blogspot.com
which is my blog of tributes to men who've been significant in my life. Not only are you referenced and linked there, but you'll also find - if you scroll down a few posts - a photo of yours that I think is terrific.

(Miles and Alicia and I are going to go for a walk now. EC is getting a haircut.)


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