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Friday, June 15, 2007

US prof plans to send message back in time | The Register

US prof plans to send message back in time | The Register

A West Coast scientist who believes it may be possible to transmit information backwards through time has been funded by individual donations after established mad-scientist groups refused to cough up.

John Cramer, a physicist at the University of Washington, reckons that "quantum retrocausality" could "involve signalling, or communication, in reverse time."

Who would you send a message to back in time and what would you say? "Uh Mr. Lincoln, just stay home and have dinner. The play isn't really that good tonight."

How terrible is this? The very first thing I thought of was Dan Ferguson. We were in seminary together. Apple stock was at $12 a share and we were contemplating taking out student loans to buy a couple hundred shares because we were supremely confident Apple was never going under. "Hey Evans & Ferguson, take out the max. You're gonna have enough to pay back the loan early, buy the house & car, pay the taxes and tithe with some left over for the Mac Cube and Newton eMate you've been eyeing!" Within 18 months after seminary it was over $150 a share, then it split and split and (heavy sigh) ...

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