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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I signed and signed and signed papers for about 15 minutes yesterday and then they handed me a check for a large sum of money. The closing on my house happened yesterday. I officially have a net worth.

I am no longer a resident of the North Country. I have officially moved from Black River, NY and temporarily reside in Liverpool, NY at my parents house. We're looking for some new diggs but it's hard to find the right house for a family of almost 7, who homeschools, where I work from home and my wife runs a home based business and have it all in my price range.

I really enjoyed living in Black River and am eternally grateful for the friends I have made there. I hope they will always be a part of my life -- I can't imagine life without them. Thanks to those who helped us move ... the Aviste's, Horny Millers, Hanlins, Stones, Scanlons, my Dad & brother, Chris, Rog & Peggy.

I'm excited about living in Central New York again on a permanent basis. There's a lot of ministry to do here, especially church planting. I need a house first.

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