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Monday, October 01, 2007

ABC News: Christian Conservatives Weigh GOP Split

So I just read this article about Christian conservative leaders holding a meeting discussing their various concerns with potential GOP presidential candidates. Dr. Dobson and other people I've never heard of were present. It sounds like their in crisis mode over the situation.

I wonder if they hold meetings like this over the state of the church in the US. Is anybody in crisis mode over the church? I'm pretty concerned about the state of affairs for the church in the US overall. Real concerned. Is anybody else?

Comments on "ABC News: Christian Conservatives Weigh GOP Split"


Blogger Luke said ... (8:41 AM, October 02, 2007) : 

Excellent point, my friend.

I heard reports of this meeting on NPR, and sadly shook my head. I shudder at the connection between conservative Republicans and "Evangelical Christians" - some seem to think those terms are interchangable. I'm an evangelical Christian, but I'm certainly not part of the Republican right wing.

Is it possible that the problem is not with the Republican party - it is with the conservative Church? Is it possible that the conservative Church(es) need to check their political agendas with the old, "Where is it written?"

Shouldn't the church be rising above this and focusing on being Jesus to a hurting world, rather than controlling political outcomes?

Shouldn't congregations composed of people enjoying the highest standard of living that has ever existed in history be more concerned with Jesus' teachings on money and wealth more than any other teachings?


Blogger donnjohnson said ... (8:53 AM, October 02, 2007) : 

This will be a fascinating discussion to observe. One thought that I had during evening news last night was that this might indicate two things: the "Christian Right" has had its day and is now more like an old barking dog with no teeth, and/or the "Christina Right" is not monolithic but varied and diverse, so that they will slip up and compromise like the rest of the body politic, not being a one (or two) issue party. I guess the second is more of the emerging reality than the first.


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