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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Celebrities Before and After

Went Christmas shopping today with my 3 older kids which of course leads to an educational discourse. Today I was getting worked over pretty hard by the Kohl's check-out person to apply to a credit card and receive their special discounts. I declined and gave the kids an education about how interest, lines of credit, credit scores, and why I didn't want or need their card.

The usual lecture they get when we're in the store together is me picking up Cosmopolitan or some such magazine and telling the kids that all the pictures are Photoshopped -- in other words --- FAKE! The kids have worked in Photoshop with me in the past and have an inkling what it can do.

Check out this link of before and after pictures: Celebrities Before and After. As parents of daughters, we must educate our kids that they cannot look like a photoshopped woman, and they don't have to to be beautiful. And we must educate our boys that porn is a lie and those woman in the men's magazines are p-shopped also.

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