Christians and Cosmetic Surgery
Back in January I posted: Christian Ethics for Boob Jobs and Other Cosmetic Surgeries. I received a number of responses asking me if I really thought that was necessary. Yes. Yes I do. Check out this recent Newsday article: Teen breast augmentation surgery increasing -- In light of recent death of a Florida girl during cosmetic breast related surgery, several articles like this have been in the news with surgeons claiming they are seeing more and more teens wanting cosmetic surgery and an increase in demand for it overall. "According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of women 18 and younger who have had breast enlargements has risen nearly 500 percent over the past decade -- a sharper climb than the 300 percent increase in breast augmentations among all age groups."That's a significant pastoral issue the church needs to be able to address. Young women need to hear of their innate value and inestimable worth to holy God and experience His love in powerfully transforming ways. We need to train all our people to think theologically about such things. |
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