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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

VirtueOnline: Four out of ten pastors lack strong interest in increasing community outreach

Research by the Ellison Research Group shows the apparent abysmal evangelistic and outreach efforts of churches. HOWEVER ....

Their research was done an a representative sample of 811 churches. Some how I'm just not convinced that 811 churches gives a solid picture of the church landscape in the US. I'd love it if someone did research like this and said, "We've polled 10,000 churches and found ...".

Regardless, the numbers portray a really anemic effort by the church. The data may be solid and evidence compelling that changes need to be made in the wider church, but I'm not sure much will happen.

Between Barna, Gallup, Zogby and other pollsters I think the church has become immune to statistical evidence. It doesn't move us to action. We hear it, think it sounds bad, hope it gets better, maybe even silently wonder if it really is that bad, but aren't really motivated to action by it.

The linked article is really work a read.

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