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  • The Art Renewal Center
  • William Bouguereau

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  • Jeune Fille se Defendant Contre L'amour
    by William Bouguereau

  • Le_ravissement de Psyche
    by William Bouguereau

  • Flagellation de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ
    by William Bouguereau
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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Thursday, March 31, 2011

FREE MP3's -- Sermons for My Non-Cessationist Friends

Jack Deere is part of the leadership of Wellspring DFW. Their sermons are available here:

Sermons by Date 2010- Wellspring Church DFW

Sermons by Date 2011- Wellspring Church DFW

As expected there are a number of sermons on the prophetic, healing and ministry, there are also series on Theology 101 (from a somewhat unique perspective) and the book of Proverbs. Check it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Churches Stay Small

A two-part article about why churches stay small.  I've seen all of these.
  1. Wanting to stay small.
  2. A quick turnover of pastors.
  3. Domination by a few strong members.
  4. Not trusting the leaders.
  5. Inferiority complex.
  6. No plan.
  7. Bad health.
  8. Lousy fellowship.
  9. A State of neglect that permeates the church.
  10. No prayer.
10 Reasons Why Small Churches Stay Small by Joe McKeever - ChurchLeaders.com - Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How To's, and Free Resources

10 Reasons Why Small Churches Stay Small: Part 2 by Joe McKeever - ChurchLeaders.com - Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How To's, and Free Resources

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Barter, Trade and Swap in New York

I'm all about bartering these days. Let's make a deal. I'll make you a web site. What do you got?

A little humor for your day ...

‘Pole Fitness’ for Jesus? A Form of Worship? One TX Woman Says ‘Yes’ | The Blaze

This could be a very exciting ministry for any church .... bwaaahhhaaaahhhaaa ... Lord have mercy.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Know Your Bibles

Common English Bible - Comparison Chart

Brad Boydston posted a link regarding the upcoming Common English Bible. At their site I found a succinct little Bible comparison chart. Handy. Good to show the kids.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ash Wed - Mortification of Sin

For this Holy Ash Wednesday, I offer you a link to: Outline of John Owen’s Mortification of Sin | The Resurgence.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Bible for China: How It Works.

Here's how Bibles for China works: How It Works. In some ways it's counter to so many missions organizations that allow you to do hands on ministry these days. This is one where you just simply make a donation and BFC gets Bibles into the hands of rural Chinese Christians.

It's done legally with the approval of the Chinese government. This is not done covertly or through the underground church. There is no Bible smuggling here. The Bibles are printed in China on a government approved printing press.

At the end, there is real joy when Chinese Christians receive their first Bible ever. Visit their site and consider making a donation. $5 will get a Bible to a Christian who desperately wants one.
