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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Recent conversation with Bishop Adams

The Rt. Rev. Gladstone "Skip" Adams visited our parish this past month for confirmation. He is really a caring pastoral soul. Our church has an alternative worship service and our band played during the confirmation service — which was really a big deal — and he couldn't have been more supportive. After the service Skip and I went out for drinks with my beloved boss The Very Rev. Donald Turner and his even more beloved wife Candy. I rode with him and asked him some questions ...

Skip voted for the confirmation of Gene Robinson, the openly homosexual bishop of New Hampshire. Certain priests in our diocese are furious with him and, quite frankly, are treating him harshly. They are angry and feel betrayed. I asked Skip if they were still being difficult and they were "but we're still talking" he said. And he was glad for that. One thing he said regarding his vote ... "I might be wrong." He basically felt conflicted about the matter and if he was going to err he wanted to do so on the side of grace and inclusion. I think he's wrong but I appreciate his humility and openess to dialog. He isn't driven with an agenda on behalf of homosexuals everywhere, he's trying to be faithful as he understands it.

While I am not sympathetic to his plight, his courage, humility, integrity and candidness was refreshing. I'm glad I know him.

Certain parishes are wanting Alternative Episcopal Oversight ... translated from Episcopalian to the common language ... they want a new bishop. The House of Bishops has devised a plan for Delegated Episcopal Oversight. Skip is willing to grant that to any church who asks for it as long as they have him in their parish beforehand to keep the communication lines open. He really doesn't want to make any parish's life any more difficult than it already may be but wants to keep some sort of relationship.

I think he's in extremely serious doctrinal error. But I really like this guy. Skip is authentic and caring. Beyond that, what a kewl name ... Gladstone ... I guess it was tough as a teen but he's grown into it. I like it better than Skip.

And tomorrow I will teach you about never bagelgating your crozier ... if I can learn how to spell it.

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