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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Where is God?

I listened to Greg Boyd's sermon of July 4th yesterday on The Dark Night of the Soul, which I believe was originally dubbed such by St. John of the Cross. Xorey described it as "pretty raw" and that is accurate.

Sometimes God seems distant. There are times when you know his leading as if he's walking right there in front of you. Sometimes you can see the familiar pattern for how he has led you in the past and is there once again.

Over the years I experienced that kind of leading to my first Covenant church, college, my first jobs, marriage, seminary, my first church in OH. Admittedly it has been pretty foggy for the past 2 and 1/2 years since, but I see God's history in my life.

Other times it seems like I grope for Him as if I were drugged and then dropped off in an unknown land, a frozen tundra, with no compass, no voice to lead me and no clue about where to go next or how to survive (oh yeah, that did happen to me — that's how I got to the Episcopal Church in Watertown, NY!).

Henry Blackaby in his wildly popular book Experiencing God once said (paraphrased), if you don't know what to do next go back to the thing you were confident that God led you to last and stick with that.

Bobb Biehl of Masterplanning is the master of asking questions to one discern God's leading. Those are really helpful.

But other times I just feel like asking, "Where are you God? Won't you come back?"

Sure. I'm aware "maybe it's not God who moved but you" and yes, I know the footprints and butt prints poems. But it doesn't always feel that way. And I wonder if that is really true? I understand that God is the same yesterday, today and forever but isn't His presence closer some times versus others at his choosing?

I'm aware that perhaps God is maturing me and leading me to a deeper faith. And that has happened to me. My current job instability does not threaten me nearly as much as the last time I lost my job.

In the Bible, I'm not sure that God has a history of being vague yet He is certainly mysterious. Reading Acts & I Corinthians 12-14 leads me to believe we ought to be hearing more from him but as Blackaby also points out: God doesn't give you all the details up front, He just tells you what you need to know next.

"O God may your Spirit fall afresh upon us that we may trust your leading when we hear you and even when we don't. Amen."

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