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Location: Liverpool, NY

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Friday, October 01, 2004


We have the wrong candidates, in the wrong election, at the wrong time.

Our nation is in so much trouble. This is such a sad time. How do you vote when you really don't want either of these fools? When they spin, that is intentional deception. By the way, I believe deception is still a sin.

They are intentionally attempting to use technique to persuade us, that involves portraying themselves in the best light and their opponenet in the worst, no matter how marginally true that might be.

What do you do if you are left without a candidate? How do you vote?

Comments on "Elections"


Blogger Luke said ... (4:15 PM, October 05, 2004) : 

I understand your frustration. Just the other day, I read a discussion on what "functional" literacy really means. Both the low level that is considered functional, and the rate of literacy in spite of that low level, were pretty sad.

Literacy doesn't equate to intelligence, I know. But it seems to me that we go through this painful process every four years - an entire year dedicated to proving that our system of government boils down to who can deliberately and brazenly manipulate the largest segment of the population. Statements that simply don't make sense, that internally conflict, are said with uplifted chin, uplifted hand, total confidence, and total understanding of how empty it all is...

I'm glad that leadership, in the Covenant, is understood to be SERVANT leadership, and isn't about command and control or power and position. It is a shame public servants don't understand servant leadership.


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