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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Go Astros!

I have been a baseball fan my whole life. Love the game. When I was a kid my Pop got me playing a table-top baseball games called APBA. You roll dice and then look on your players card for what happens.

About the time I got into it, the Houston Astros started to come into their own. They had those rainbow colored uniforms that I loved with the bright orange hats with navy blue stars (and vice versa). JR Richard and Nolan Ryan were their great pitchers. They had great players like Bob Watson, who scored baseballs one millionenth run, Jose Cruz, Terry Puhl, Cesar Cedeno, Enos Cabell, Joe Morgan, Rafael Landestoy, Alan Ashby, Joe Sambito, Ken Forsch and others, including one of baseball's all-time best names: Joaquin Andujar. I've loved them ever since. And they annually break my heart.

This year at the All-Star break I had had enough. They were supposed to be good but were terrible. No mas. I'll be a Padres fan now, being a minister and all, that sounds like the right thing to do. But alas, I am a fair weather fan and back on the Astros bandwagon as they have won their very first post-season series ever.

Go 'Stros!!!

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