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Saturday, January 14, 2006

BREITBART.COM - Ohio High School Porn Homework Canceled

This is probably the first homework assignment in the history of the school that would have had 100% participation but it was canceled. I'm sure many students were disappointed.

Seriously, what was this guy thinking. It just goes to show how porn has gone mainstream. It's talked about every where. I'll bet I have said or read or heard just the word "porn" or "pornography" more in the past year of my life than in the first 37 years of my life all together.

I'm not sure the church overall has a clue how to deal with this being a popular topic in our culture. Certainly a handful of churches or ministries are dealing with it but in the communities I live, work and travel in there is no blatantly Christian well publicized place to get help dealing with your porn addiction or the addiction of someone in your life. Even I as a clergy member don't have the foggiest idea where people go for help about this in my community. Are we just thinking, "Well, there's no big demand for help. It's probably not that big of a problem here."? If we think that just because we don't know someone in our family or church who has a porn problem that it doesn't exist or only minorly so, we're fooling ourselves.

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