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Monday, April 03, 2006


Did you watch Boston Legal last week? I love that show. I sat there and wondered how many pastors have ever gotten the "word salad" disease like Alan Shore. That could be really funny in the pulpit.

As I (by myself) watched the show begin and unfold I jumped from my seat and pointed at the TV shouting "I told you so!" Years ago, even before this blog existed but also on this blog, I predicted that the same arguments that apply to gay marriage rights can be applied to polygamy or polyamory. Hollywood sees it too.

Within a month's time, we have seen the beginning of Big Love of HBO, a show about man with 3 wives. I watched it. Let's just say it's better than the Book of Daniel but I'm not sure it will catch on. And we see Boston Legal having an episode about attorney Denise Bauer defending a polygamist family. I think we'll see more of it.

The district attorney had some interesting arguments against. What about health insurance? A man or woman has health insurance and it's offered to his/her spouse also. What happens when s/he has several?

I haven't seen the latest UCC commercial that welcomes all but I wonder if next year they will come out and welcome polygamous families.

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