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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Abbey Way Covenant Church

Click here and check out a new church plant, Abbey Way Covenant Church in Minneapolis, MN. I like the way this kind of church sounds. In some ways it is not that dissimilar to "party evangelism" that I mentioned in the previous post. There is a high value on community and connectedness. I like that. I couldn't help but wondered as I read about this church, "Do the people with the vision for this church have little children?" I just couldn't see how kids would fit but that's likely because I don't see the whole vision.

I like the Benedictine Way as a model for a church but I wonder how evangelism happens and where do children fit in the process. It seems that Benedictine spirituality is based in monasticism which isn't known for it's outreach or children and youth ministries. I hope this new church works and finds a way to be a prototype for more like it.

Comments on "Abbey Way Covenant Church"


Blogger Tonya said ... (11:49 PM, May 25, 2006) : 

As a couple who is interested in joining Abbey Way and we have young children, the question "Where do children fit?" has come up for us as well.

As I see it, we have always tried to include our children in our journey with God. Not just teaching them about God, and telling them they can believe too, but including them in discussions and our faith choices and (I think this is key) listening to them. I believe my children can hear from God as well, and they have things to share with me and teach me as we journey together.

Abbey Way is not about programming, so we need to be creative and intentional about bringing even the "littlest of these" along on this journey. Jan does well to ask for prayer for all of us.


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