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Friday, June 16, 2006

Bibles Unbound

When I was in college I participated in a bible ministry that would send us the bibles, packing materials and address labels for a minimal amount and we would then package them up and mail them to people in the former Soviet Union. I never knew where they got the addresses or who received them. They could have been confiscated for all I know. Hopefully there will be a day in heaven where I meet some of the people that got a Bible and found Christ because of that project. That would be very cool.

I'm a big proponent of giving away Bibles. I believe every church should have a stack to give away for FREE and have them available every day.

Here is another ministry that gives Bibles away. It's like $30 a month and you'll get everything you need to mail 5 New Testaments. Check it out: Bibles Unbound

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