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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Blog Maverick - www.blogmaverick.com _

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks has a blog. It's very interesting to read what a multimillionaire (billionaire?) blogs about. WARNING: it's not a clean language site.

While it's a great story that the Heat comes back from 2 games to zip to win, Shaq & Riley win another title with new teams, D-Wade becomes a superstar ... the NBA gets a black-eye again with poor officiating throughout the playoffs.

Remember a couple of months ago when my Steelers won the SuperBowl and the big story was the poor officiating. Even in the games that led up to the SuperBowl the Steelers won in spite of some poor officiating.

It seems that 'poor officiating' is becoming a theme in professional sports. I wonder if the whole way games are officiated is going to have to be revamped. Athletes are bigger and faster than ever and it appears that officials just can't keep up.


Two nights in a row of championship celebrations. There is nothing classier in all of professional sports than the losing team in the Stanley Cup waiting for the winners to celebrate a little and then all shake hands at center ice. It was such a contrast last night when the Mav's just walked off the court. The MLB, NBA & NFL should take note of the NHL.

Comments on "Blog Maverick - www.blogmaverick.com _"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:56 AM, June 24, 2006) : 

poor officiating is too often a problem. Just look at the world cup also. What foul in the box?


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