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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Sunday, June 19, 2005

More props

There's a great Nazarene church in our town with two first rate pastors. Not only are they super funny, great leaders but are also really humble servants of God: Greg Gates, senior pastor and Dan Hazelton, associate pastor.

So here it is Encounter week. They haven't had a leadership position on the Encounter Team to this point but have been fully supportive in every way imaginable. But this week, the two of them cleared their schedule and offer to do anything we need. They have been at the arena every day to do something ... loan their church van, unload sound and lighting equipment, run camera, run errands, encourage people, pray and serve, serve, serve with great attitudes. Never sought any props or perks for themselves but just looked for ways to help.

I marvel at guys like this. Here they are, pastors of one of the city's biggest and most successful churches, both are really super bright and they clearly have leadership gifts. But instead of taking over or volunteering to do only certain things, they show up to take orders from others and are willing to do anything. Instead of working the Encounter into their schedule, they made it their schedule.

These are two more people who have impacted me this week and caused me to look heavenward in thanksgiving, and caused me to look inward to evaluate how I am serving God and others.


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