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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Covenant Quarterly

I just read Paul Koptak's introduction to the current issue of The Covenant Quarterly. One sentence in particular stuck out to me as Paul quotes Charles Kimball: "Kimball concludes that these works 'demonstrate how the popular media too often gravitate toward the most sensational and simplistic images of Islam, ....'" (page 1, Koptak, Paul: Comment. The Covenant Quarterly, Vol. LXIII, No. 3, August 2005.)

That made me think. I am often resentful of Hollywood and the media's portrayal of evangelical Christianity as the religion of paedophile ministers, huckster evangelists, ultra-conservative Republicans, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and sports figures who pray in the end zone.

I never feel as if the media represents me and the Christian culture that I am a part of, and in particular my beliefs about God. Almost always, whoever the media chooses to represent Christianity on a particular issue, I feel a sense of disconnect to that person's views. Often I feel a sense of disgust and I cringe in disappointment.

After reading Paul Koptak's commentary, I suspect that there are Muslims who feel the same about the media's representation of Islam. (Now I suppose it would also be true, that if I were the spokesperson the media chose, nearly all of Christianity would be cringing!)

As I reflect on this issue further, almost all of my views and understandings of Muslims are from the media. Almost all. I did visit Jordan, Egypt and Israel on a 2 week tour of the Holy Lands in 1994. I found Arab people to be really wonderful, especially in the little town of Petra but also in Amman. They graciously shared food and friendship with complete American stranger/tourists.

In recent years I have had extensive interaction with wonderful people from mainline denominations — a treasured and liberating experience. Although, sometimes it was frustrating when trying to get them to think outside of their narrow understanding of evangelical Christianity. All too often their views just seemed to mimic the same ones I cringed at in the media.

All that said, there is a general lack of understanding amongst religious people in regards to people of other faiths or sects within their own faith. At first thought, Hollywood and the media are probably the main culprits in perpetrating distortions. But really it's not their fault. It's ours for believing them.

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