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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Monday, June 11, 2007

Blogging Anniversary

June 1st was the beginning of my 4th year of blogging. I was initially inspired by blogging legend Brad.Boydston and my two close friends Stacey Littlefield and Xorey Johnsrud, both of whom remain irresponsible blog parents. Blogging has been an adventure. I've made friends and ministered to people. It's also regretfully caused conflict with people whom I've cared about and more pleasantly, with people who I have not cared for.

I've recently taken to looking at Google Analytics to see if anyone actually reads this blog. Much of my traffic comes from upstate NY but I have a strong readership in Wisconsin and Ohio. A special shout out to Eau Claire, WI and Syracuse, NY, and to my lone reader in Utica, NY, the city where I was born and to this day still have a deep affection for. Thanks to all who visit here. I would love it if you would leave a comment today -- if nothing else just leave your city name and a link to your blog or websites.

I recognize it's mostly drivel and that I have my pet soapboxes. I like to report on what God is doing in Anglican World, especially the AMiA, make fun of dumb church trends, provide commentary on interesting news and cultural trends, provide links to Bible, evangelism and marriage resources and report on the various trivialities of my life. Thanks for reading.

Comments on "Blogging Anniversary"


Blogger Brad Boydston said ... (7:49 PM, June 12, 2007) : 

The thing about analytics is that they are not catching stats on those reading your blog through an RSS feed. I read with the Google Reader so you probably see a Guam hit only when I transition over to your site to post a comment.


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