The Bishop I serve under, The Rt. Rev. Gladstone "Skip" Adams is mentioned in this article as "Revisionist". Without question, he is the Bishop with the absolutely coolest name of any Bishop anywhere.
What does David Virtue mean when he says "revisionist"? In another article posted on his site, Dr. William G. Witt writes:
"Contrary to the Selectivist approach, which recognizes forthrightly that the Bible condemns same-sex activity, a second type of attempt to justify same-sex activity could be called "Revisionist" in the sense that it tries to revise the traditional interpretation of Scripture concerning homosexual activity. Revisionists argue that it is a misunderstanding to say that the Bible prohibits all same-sex activity. To the contrary, Scripture does not condemn loving committed same-sex relations, and loving committed relationships are the only kind of sexual relationships the Church is interested in endorsing. What was condemned by the writers of Scripture was either exploitative same-sex activity, pederasty, or cult prostitution.[10]"
Skip might be a revisionist. I actually don't know. However, when he is painted as "revisionist" without any explanation I think that is unfair. I wrote to David Virture and told him so. Here is my email to David (edited):
Dear David,
Thank you so much for your very fine journalism and web site. I am a faithful reader and send many people your way.
I am the Associate Pastor of Trinity Episcopal Church in Watertown, NY in the Diocese of Central New York. I am ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church (the same denomination as St. Barnabas in Austin, TX) but serve as Trinity's youth pastor and lead ¡alive@5!, an alternative worship service on Sunday evenings.
You can view the ¡alive@5! band online ... God of Wonders Light The Fire Again Spirit In The Sky or visit our unofficial site: ¡alive@5!
After reading your piece on the Diocese of CNY I wanted to add a few comments ...
Bishop Adams knows that I am an evangelical to the core. He knows that I disagree with his vote on VGR and that I am not supportive of homosexuality as a lifestyle.
However, he could not be more supportive of my ministry and of me personally. Revisionist or not, he certainly isn't attacking easy evangelical targets like me -- just the opposite. He knows me, my band and youth group leaders. He knows we target the unchurched and preach that people need to be converted Christ. And he has been extremely supportive and even once suggested I become an Episcopal priest.
I currently work half-time for Trinity and half-time for the [an evangelist], coordinating [an evangelistic crusade]. This is a crusade-style evangelistic event to take place next week. You can see the details at: [...]. Again, Bishop Adams knows of my ministry there but has never in any way suggested I not be involved or been unsupportive of me.
Beyond all that, Skip Adams is a decent human being who really does care for all his priests -- even the orthodox ones who make life difficult for him. I know this from very personal, frank conversations with him.
When you label him "Revisionist" with little explanation, it is easy to think he's just another Charles Bennison, Jack Spong or some other wacko, heretic bishop that you report on. He's not. We disagree on important issues, but Skip Adams is honestly trying to follow Christ as best he knows how and certainly isn't out to persecute the orthodox. His humility is exemplary. I consider him my friend and the ¡alive@5! people love him deeply.
The five churches you mentioned are NOT the only orthodox parishes in the Diocese. Fr. CharlHendersonson of Emmanuel Church in Adams and Zion Church in Pierrepont Manor, has his M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Seminary and is a solid evangelical theologian.
There are also 2 other orthodox retired priests in the North Country (upper Central New York), Fr. Walter Giles, who pastors 3 parishes in Lowville, Copenhagen and Carthage, and Fr. Richard Clay, inactive due to serious cancer. Though their parishes may be small, the gospel is preached there.
All three of these priests are close personal friends of mine, and I can confidently speak on their behalf to say, though they disagree on key issues with Bishop Adams, they respect him and feel supported by him.
Fr. Henderson, a member of his parish, Karen Richmond, and Fr. Giles' wife, Patty, are also part of The North Country Encounter Leadership Team.
Thank you again for your web site and hard work. I hope you will consider printing some more information about Bishop Adams other just labeling him as "Revisionist" and pastoring a dying diocese. That doesn't tell the whole story.
PEACE -- [theultrarev]
One thing I really appreciate about David Virture is he is faithful in responding to email sent to him, and gracious when doing so. I won't print David's responses other than to say he was gracious and humble.
One more thing to say about Skip: he seems much more gracious than the priests in his diocese who are labled orthodox and conservative. Now granted, I am not in their shoes as an actual priest, but from as near as I can figure they are nasty and beligerant to Skip. It might be helpful if the "orthodox" were seen as a little more loving, but I suppose there is a degree of righteous anger and indignation. |
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