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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Encounter Over

The North Country Encounter is over. Nearly 12,000 people attended our events and 520 people made some sort of public profession of faith. This was a great project to work and for the past 2 weeks it has taken all my time and energy. I'm attempting to recover.

Now I have a void to fill in my life. What next? Plant a church? Planting a new church is always a good idea. There's never a bad time to plant a church in God's economy.

I like the feeling of doing something that I'm called to do. When I was in OH I put up with a lot crap because I knew I was called. And working for the Encounter for the past several months was also a clear calling. Now I need a new calling, or more immediately, something to pay the bills.

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